North Star – Playlists

Oscar and Golden Globe-nominee James Caan and Christopher Lambert star in this epic adventure set in Alaska about a …








20 responses to “North Star – Playlists”

  1. bob d Avatar

    There is no way anyone could track someone in that blizzard, The wind and blowing snow would cover any tracks in under a half hour, Or even less.
    I lived for 3 years in Alaska, And I have seen the same (And worse) weather conditions many times. I know what I'm talking about.
    I was trapped in a hunting cabin with my hunting party for three days. The only way in was by boat or air, There were no roads within 20 miles or more, There was no walking out. We all hunkered down till the storm passed. When the weather cleared, The cabin was completely under the snow. we had to dig our way up, in order to get out.

  2. Indict&ImprisonOrExecute tRump Avatar

    it's too bad I wasted 33 minutes in disbelief that a movie could be so bad in so many ways from the opening scene until I finally gave up.
    Bad acting, bad script, bad plot, too many clichés, white men playing the parts of Indians, etc.
    What a waste time and money!
    James Caan must have needed money badly or didn't recognize a piece of cr@p before he signed the contract?

  3. Marcus Anhalt Avatar

    The therapy session in the shack between Lambert and the woman was priceless. His apologies and her understanding of them were real cheesy.

  4. Marcus Anhalt Avatar

    What a sorry ass bunch of characters with Lambert leading the way! Caan could be a more evil character, when he plays evil, but he keeps holding back.

  5. Joe Freeman Avatar

    This movie is based on a novel by Will Henry called The North Star.
    It was an excellent well written book.
    Too bad the producers of this movie didnt faithfully follow the book.
    In the book a gang of ofo

  6. Richard L. Tinney Avatar

    Wow that’s a pretty strong message there Chief. Takes the land to give you life huh? Lol 😂 That’s like sayin it takes moonlight while taking a sh*t in the woods to really know if your ass is clean or not! Lol 😂
    Spotted Owl

  7. iNdUsTrIaLrOcKeR4U Avatar

    His Truth is Gold and not a mineral account of it., only Him Whom Be.

  8. iNdUsTrIaLrOcKeR4U Avatar

    The only Sacred Land is within His Temples in the Roman Catholic Church. Where He is Truly Present.

    Truth is Love and Eternal. Sacrificial. Sacred. Holy. Truth.

  9. 57WillysCJ Avatar

    They didn't know they had to take Saanteek's head to kill him. There can only be one.😂

  10. Edward Mullendore Avatar

    This is a good movie what is bad this shit is happening now ruthless people like opera rock who kills kids parents people for their land

  11. Doreen X Avatar

    Good movie thank you for posting. Movie full of real life lessons. Greed & evil still lose out in the end 😊. Dxf

  12. Jose r0gel Nunes adorne Avatar

    Buena película! Adorne de Brazil!

  13. Clinton Smith Avatar

    Them dudes had to be from Texas(bless our wonderful state) wearing cowboy hats and riding on instead of running alongside of the sled.

  14. Samuel Edwards jr Avatar

    Love it, great movie 👍

  15. Louis D'Andrea Avatar

    Not a bad movie. Not your typical boring Western. Looked like something Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson could've done. Entertaining flick. Great performances by everyone. James Caan was great weather playing a good guy or a bad guy. He'll be missed.

  16. Andy Varela Salmeròn Avatar

    After seen the scene of the stake the claim,I believe they’re a thiefs too!!!

  17. Andy Varela Salmeròn Avatar

    The ambition for the power and gold from the caucasian people.

  18. Jeffrey Husack Avatar

    Sad they killed his wolf