Not interested in having sex since I had a baby


I 33F am married to my husband 32M for 4 years and dated him for 3 years before. Before marriage we would fuck like rabbits day and night, did a lot of roadtrips, bar-hopping and make out in public wherever we went out. We both had high libido and made a great couple. After marriage we started planning for a baby but unfortunately I had to go through 2 miscarriages. Finally we had a baby last year and I quit my job to be a stay at home mom (husband was okay with it). We are good financially – husband’s pay is good, we have reasonable savings and live well below our means. We mostly eat home cooked food and regularly do some basic exercise so are quite healthy and fit overall. However, since my 6th month of pregnancy (which was in June last year) our sex life went down steeply. Initially my husband was supportive since I was in pain and discomfort, and first few months of feeding and taking care of the baby were hard. My libido never returned and whenever my husband tries to initiate, I either turn him down or have sex for few minutes unwillingly. 2 months ago my Husband told me that he wants a divorce since he is not physically satisfied to the point where his frustration is affecting his job and overall mental health. I was taken aback and was inconsolable for hours. My husband said sorry but he left home in the evening. He returned late at night but we didn’t talk until late next day, that too because it was something about our baby. I told him I will go to the doctor but he was not convinced. Next week I went to my family physician and she did my bloodwork. All results came out normal including hormone levels. I’m considering going to therapy but hesitant to go since I have never been to a therapist before.

I tried talking to a couple of my friends who have children, but hearing mixed stories. Some are saying their sex drive actually went up after the baby, while other saying both their and the husbands’ sex drive went down so they didn’t have any issues.

Any advice from redditors who were in a similar situation and were actually able to solve the problem?

EDIT: Thanks for the responses. A lot of people are suggesting therapy. Did anyone in a similar situation before was able to resolve the issues with therapy?


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