Not interested in sex anymore with gf


I, 28m am slowly but surely getting not interested in having sex with my gf anymore. It’s not because I’m unattracted to her or she’s gained weight or anything, it’s more to it. Me and my gf use to have amazing sex when we first met. We were long distance for about a year and a half but close enough to where we could see each other every other if not every weekend.

We finally moved in together about 8 months ago and that’s when our sex life pretty much declined. She got off birth control and the frequency got cut to about once or twice every 2–3 weeks. It’s has got very boring and monotonous. She barely goes down on me anymore, I’m always met with a “only if I get some too” when I already do it more than she does. I also get “I don’t feel like it” or a flat out “no”. She’s not submissive, resistant to everything I say or try to do and just flat out lazy. She huffs and puffs when I ask to change positions.

I’ve bought sex toys to try and spice it up and we’ve never even tried them. And now I’m just flat out not interested anymore. I try sending dirty text/nudes and the energy is never reciprocated, I don’t even get responses most of the time. I’ve tried addressing this by telling her I feel like she could replace me with a random guy off the street and nothing would change. I don’t feel like she wants to please me the way I want to her. I don’t feel the lust or passion from her.

All that aside she is everything a man could want in a woman. Definitely someone worth marrying. I have a medium-high sex drive so it’s pretty important in a relationship to me. I’m needing help deciding if this is worth breaking up over. Cause I really do love her. But considering we live together and our lease isn’t up till summer of next year would a breakup be a good idea. Any advice would help. Thanks.


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