Not sending visuals during sexting? F19


I have a few FWB and I sext with them sometimes. However, I never send pics or vids of myself, not even sfw pics. I have a fear of displaying myself through the digital world (had a friend who sent nudes and the dumbass guy spread them to everyone, she went through depression and wanted to suicide since he sent it to her family too). Moreover, it just does not appeal to me. I don’t want to take a pic and then send it, it just feels dirty to me, and not in a good way. I have always disliked visuals, whether its porn or regular pics. I’m not judging those who send, this is just me. When someone sends me a pic or vids through sexting, it doesn’t do much to me either. I just like the emotional aspect and get off more through texts than visuals.

I was talking to a new FWB and he kept trying to push me to send, saying how guys can’t get off without visuals, but I don’t want to send it at all, yet I still want him to enjoy it. He’s saying how other girls always send and how since we already hook up its fine, and if I really liked him I would send. It feels like emotional manipulation to me, since he’s getting more aggressive. I feel like not sending pics and vids puts me at a disadvantage compared to other girls, since guys will prefer those who send visuals, so I’m really not sure how to take this.


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