Nothing in particular turns me on.


For context I’ve had maybe two serious relationships in my life. I 26M have been with my 23F for around 3 years and some change. I have had a few flings or hook ups but nothing that never lead to a serious relationship. Also between each fling, hook up, or relationship it goes about 1 to 2 years between having any sort of sexual intimacy. So when the opportunity presents itself I turn into a deviant having sex about 3-7 times a day and around 4-5 days a week for about 2 months. I guess nothing has ever really “put me in the mood”. Like the person could just breathe and I’m on it because I go so long between having that type of physical contact. No matter the woman I was with I’ve expressed that lip biting, playfighting, or even neck kisses do anything for me or anything like that along those lines. I just don’t know if I have something wrong with my psyche, or if it is just because I haven’t had too many relationship to really dive into what turns me on.

But nothing really seems to get me going. My partner recoginizes this and has brought it to my attention. She feels like it’s unfair and feels dejected when I stop her advances with what gets her going. I tried explaining but I don’t know if what I’m saying makes sense or if there is anything to help me explain. I understand her and know she has a valid point. I just don’t know what to do. I feel I go into a spur of the moment or I just feel turned on for no reason or at random times which is when I make my advances. Which in return makes her feel like she can’t do anything and almost has to wait for me to to do something. Anything helps.


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