NYC Musician Chris Urriola (Hollis Brown) Releasing ‘Illustrator’ EP On July 7, 2023 @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) The last three years saw plenty of uncertainty within the world and catalyzed a search for intention and creativity for artists worldwide. For Chris Urriola, it inspired a debut solo EP. The Hollis Brown bassist has always had a knack for “writing songs and finding melodies everywhere,” and has now allowed his songwriting to develop in this defining moment of his burgeoning solo career. The result is the Illustrator EP.

Knowing it was time to take the leap from bass player to front man, Urriola began forming his band. “It’s never easy to ask anyone for anything, at least for me,” he says. “So getting a surprising yes from my best mates was addictive.”

Given the collaborative compositional nature of Urriola’s songwriting, finding the right studio atmosphere was crucial. Enter Sean Walsh of The National Reserve, who captured the band’s energy as the recording engineer. The sessions took place over 7 unique tracking sessions in 2021.

Urriola describes the sessions as “akin to an old Motown Session.” During each session, “I’d teach them a tune on the spot. It was a lot of fun and sometimes difficult conveying the idea but I feel that the results were captured on the Illustrator EP.” They recorded over 30 songs over the course of the sessions, and choosing the four that would become Illustrator was “a luxury, a garden of creative energy.”

As a bassist by trade, Urriola found that he was “creating ideas that live only in “bass-land,” the ideas don’t always translate to a full-band rock aesthetic.” So, to realize his full vision for the EP, he fine-tuned his guitar playing and learned how to structure and develop a tune to take to the studio. He says, “The experience recording 30 songs as a guitarist allowed me to focus on rhythmic tendencies and song-arrangement. I was able to convey the song ideas to the band and capture some great takes.”

The Illustrator EP is a collection of songs about identity, relationships, and the universality of loss. Urriola’s experience as a bass player and band member before picking up the guitar lends a unique and eclectic sound to the EP. Both musically and lyrically, Illustrator has broad appeal and will connect with indie rockers, deep thinkers, and anyone looking for a little human connection in these modern times.

Pre-save ‘Illustrator’ EP here:

‘Illustrator’ Track Listing


2. OH NO (4:00)

3. I MISS YOU (7:00)

4. ON (10:57)

Record Release Show

July 8 @ Mercury Lounge (NYC)

Doors at 6pm

w/ NITE Music, hollyo, Jupiter Boys supporting.

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