Oh God! You Devil! – Playlists

In his third “Oh, God!” movie, Academy Award-winner George Burns (“The Sunshine Boys”) not only plays his witty, widely praised …








22 responses to “Oh God! You Devil! – Playlists”

  1. Alex D Avatar

    This movie has a completely different vibe than the first two. It's a little darker but the message was relevant.

  2. Diana Francisco Avatar

    FIGHT FOR ME GOD ! Fight for us all ! WE NEED YOU MORE THEN EVER 🙏❣️

  3. AyaBlue22 Avatar

    1:31:48 – my cousins had a lamp like that! Too bad they busted it long ago, there's one listed on Mercari for over $230. That's wild!!

  4. AyaBlue22 Avatar

    58:50 – I'm sure, from that earlier montage, there are likely a few more of those he could claim as well…

  5. PB& J. Avatar

    Of course a more realistic ending goes something like this:

    Bobby Shelton's daughter gets better but 3 years later his wife files for divorce (as 70% of divorces are initiated by women) and then he spends thousands of dollars trying to get as much time as possible with his child, which of course, she tries to prevent. Then he is on the hook for child support payments for the next 2 decades. She also drags him into court occasionally to get a standard of living raise. He is being a good father but meanwhile mom is calling herself a "single mom" because she knows that by refusing to acknowledge his contribution to the child rearing process and calling herself a single mom, this title catapults her to instant nobility and degrades fathers at the same time by making them think that he is not involved.

    He will probably start dating again and end up spending more money on women and meanwhile the men she sees are buying her free drinks and dinners because, although she wants equal opportunity and equal pay, she does not feel that she has any obligation to be fair to men financially. The scene ends with Satan walking into the sunset, smiling, because he still won.

  6. Charles M Avatar

    How in the world did this franchise make it to 3 films? Then again, I never saw Geoge Burns as the comic or acting genius others thought he was.

  7. Amber Hillman Avatar

    Government advertising of groceries

  8. Amber Hillman Avatar

    Lololol she show us the book's

  9. Amber Hillman Avatar

    Weed witches employees of government, want her to send you a code of what she been saying.

  10. Amber Hillman Avatar

    Regilous said don't go to church you won't see him. Ask them if it was a joke. Back then I was asking stupid questions. Got jokes

  11. Amber Hillman Avatar

    Movie use to be my favorite, because I ask if they seen God are the devil

  12. Amber Hillman Avatar

    Growthcave do need a certificate are degree. Because I don't want to get you into trouble.

  13. Amber Hillman Avatar

    Trump's want Arkansas ACLU election regilous audit employees papers. Asking questions from the rental property criminal election

  14. Amber Hillman Avatar

    City of Jacksonville AR largest biggest audit ACLU officer election violations

  15. Patrick Peralta Avatar

    your not insisting anything "eyes glow red" "I love to scare the hell out of people" 🤣🤣🤣

  16. A A Avatar

    Ted Wass was pretty hot in the 80s 🔥

  17. Stanley Cade Avatar

    Ambition! Mankind's Achilles Heel!

  18. Janet O'Connor Avatar

    As good as this movie is I don't think it was as good as the original in 1977. Don't like George as the Devil with the creepy red eyes.

  19. quietguy Avatar

    Thank you God . . . George and Gracie are together.
    … Lennie

  20. johnson oney Avatar

    Its very interesting that a " godless " Hollywood would make such a film . Exposing the devil as real and giving the almighty credence . This film wouldn't be made today , but what a gem !

  21. Wassup doc Avatar

    As he looks in the camera and smiles at the end and says "Believe me, I'm possible!" That is the truth. What people will do for fame, money, glory. How many people have sold out just like this movie depicts? More than you know!

  22. James Beemer Avatar

    I have a better movie for you to watch .
    It is call THE BOOK OF ELI .
    In it god is not depicted as evil , as this movie suggests .
    But to know what God is really about . Look it up . Get the CD if you can . But by all means see it .