“Our sex lives are really causing issues for us as a couple”


For context I take anti depressants, and have a laundry list of mental issues which can make sex hard sometimes. When I’m off my meds for a few days tho, my sex drive is damn near insatiable.
On top of that my partner has drinking problems and it’s done shit to my head that I think subconsciously make me even less inclined to want to engage in sexual contact with him all the time. The issue lies in the fact that he’s always horny and says that I never want to do anything when he initiates, only when I do. Which yeah, I can see where he’s coming from with that. But we already have a polyamorous/open relationship style set up so he is perfectly capable of getting his sexual needs met elsewhere. Him and I aren’t very sexually compatible, but we love each other and live together and do have sex about once a week. Idk what to do? Our sex lives are really causing issues for us as a couple.


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