Pacifico Drops ‘Afterglow’ With Adele, Seal & The Kooks Bassist Peter Randall @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts)Afterglow” single from first Pacifico album in five years features Adele, Seal, The Kooks bassist Peter Randall; See Terry Gilliam-inspired video now.
Band’s Matthew Schwartz explains Elliott Smith-evoking tune is “about someone losing their sight later in life and coming to terms with that change.”

Matthew Schwartz of Pacifico says, “‘Afterglow’ is about someone losing their sight later in life, coming to terms with that change, and realizing that they have everything they need. We were lucky to have Peter Randall – bassist with The Kooks, Seal, and Adele – join us on this one.”

For the “Afterglow” music video, Schwartz sought out director John Graham, a veteran feature filmmaker, but a newbie to animation.

“The ‘Afterglow’ video is my first true venture into the world of animation,” Graham says. “It’s a bit of motion collage that makes use of cut paper and video footage. I am a fan of Terry Gilliam, and his style was what I wanted to attempt.

“Matt had a series of fantastic photographs and having access to these enabled me to create a cut paper puppet of him. It is rare for me to get to make a movie by myself, and in this case, my two pets, Soot The Cat and Banjo The Dog, were my only true actors.

Pacifico has such a flavorful look to their albums that I decided to let this video be visually bright and fun. When in doubt, I choose interesting visuals over logic. Getting to wade through oceans of brightly colored images was a treat.”

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