Parents Demand Rent From Daughter After Siblings Complain That She Earns Too Much Money, She Moves Out – Memebase – Armessa Gifs & Memes


“AITA for moving out when my parents asked me to pay rent.” Posted by u/LetterheadMaterial93

The comment section

Nearly all commenters agreed—OP was not the a-hole in this situation. 

“OPs siblings have seen a great example. I bet they’ll move out as soon as they can, leaving the parents without their household slaves.” said OP.

“Yeah, I hope the brothers realise that they were the ones to set this chain of events in motion. Im glad OP is out of there though, definitely sounds like they were doing more than their fair share of work.” said u/Tikithing.

“Exactly! If OP bought something for themselves with their own money, no one is entitled to that things use. And the idea that parents would treat a 23 year old as if they are a 10 year old who won’t share is simply bizarre.” said u/On_my_last_spoon.

“Yes. That plus unlimited banging. Wholesome, and awesome. Congrats sir, or ma’am.” said u/Sav273.

“No. Absolutely not. All the chores were split very fairly. I was satisfied with my share. The problem only came up when they wanted me to do my share and contribute a fair bit of my money for rent. That made me redo the calculations.” explained OP.

“Daughter.” said OP.

“Honestly, I’ll never call a person an asshole for calling their parents bluff (or not) and moving out when their parents start to demand rent. When I was an adult living with my parents, my Mom approached me about rent. And I was honest with her. I asked if they needed money, ie if they couldn’t afford things on their own, and when she said ‘no I just want to make sure I’m teaching you responsibility’ I let her know that if I was going to pay to live somewhere, I wasn’t going to be living with my parents. Parents are allowed to ask their adult children for rent money if they want, but adult children are also allowed to decide that if they’re going to be paying rent they’d rather be paying rent for their own space.” said u/angelblade401.

Read the original thread here.


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– Armessa Gifs & Memes


