Parents of Reddit who have an active sex life how do you do it in secret, or do you not keep it a secret…


Me and my partner have been talking about children for a while now. We both have some issues that can cause infertility so we are preparing for the possible outcome of having to try treatment or adoption to have children. We are attending genetics counseling and all that. Our last session with marital counseling (which I highly suggest, since, you don’t need marriage problems to be working on your marriage), we discussed the changes of life after having children. And last night we both realized that one thing we won’t be able to do whenever we want is have sex.

Neither me or my partner have ever heard or caught our parents in the act. When I was a children my mom have a hysterectomy in her early twenties and my logical 7 year old brain thought hysterectomy meant they removed her lady parts aka vagina. So until I was in my later teens I thought my parents didn’t have sex and my dad was a saint LMAO! My spouse never caught his parents in the act either so we were thinking… how the fxck did they do it? Weird question to think about but… alas, one to think about obviously.

So parents, what do you do?


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