Penile curvature but I’d like to start having sex. I’m a bit anxious/self conscious about it though.


I’m 24M and a virgin, grew up in a really conservative Christian household and it’s been a long journey of getting to the point where I’d like to maybe have that experience with somebody.

I’ve been getting out into the dating world with a fair amount of success, and I’ve avoided getting intimate with a couple people (there were clear signs they wanted to, and I felt bad that I wasn’t there yet) because 1) how I was raised 2) I’m self conscious about how much my penis is curved. It bends downward at a fairly sharp angle. I’ve seen a doctor about it, it’s a simple procedural fix but I have to get a specialty opinion/surgery scheduled and that could take some time to set up.

If I were to go out with a girl for a while, get to the point where I’d like to get intimate with someone I care about, I’m worried that PIV will just not work, and that things would get awkward. Im 1000% willing to do oral and focus on the girls pleasure (actually im certain it’d be a huge turn on for me but that’s neither here nor there lol).

Would most people overlook something fixable like this as long as they’re being taken care of?? I don’t want to come across as unconfident and scared about it while also letting somebody know that it might be an issue. I guess what I’m asking is whether there’s an optimal way to disclose this type of thing.


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