People who don’t ID as asexual anymore: what’s that been like? Need advice.


I’d like to hear from folks who realized they weren’t asexual. Asexuality is a totally acceptable orientation! I just don’t hear a lot about it outside of specific online spaces, and need advice.

I’m in my mid 30s, and while I have had a fair amount of sex, it isn’t something I tend to crave at all. If I’m intoxicated, yes. Sober?? Rarely. The closest I can feel to “sexual desire” is when I’m thrilled at a novel sexual encounter. (But I’m realizing that’s probably me just experiencing novelty.)

I’ve slept with men. I’ve slept with women. I’ve slept with other genders. I’m more partial to men, but I’ve tried it out. Still, I don’t experience that “wow what a hot person” experience I’ve seen others have.

I’m trying to see if I’ve tried everything or if it’s time to just accept asexuality. I’ve been in therapy for this, and despite being an extremely anxious person + family stuff, nothing should be really preventing me wanting sex.

Has anyone identified as ace before but doesn’t any longer? What’s your story been like?


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