Piv doesn’t feel good for me?


Been with my girlfriend for around 3 years now, and we have sex pretty frequently (whenever she wants tbh lol, she’s the higher libido)

I’ve never really enjoyed it though; piv is what she wants most, and it just doesn’t feel good for me. I don’t feel much pleasure/sensation beyond “something wet is around my dick” lol, and I rarely cum.

I don’t masturbate (or, haven’t in around a year anyway), and we aren’t using condoms (she’s on bc, otherwise I would be), so I’m not sure what the issue is here. Back when I used to masturbate (lubed ol’ righty or a toy), it did feel good and I could finish every time.

Anyone have any recommendations? **I read through the FAQ** and **many posts here**, but can’t find much existing info beyond “stop masturbating/watching porn”. None of them really apply in my case. **Not sure why this post keeps getting removed**, I’ve read the rules.


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