Prayer Never Fails – Playlists

An inspiring story about an up-and-coming high school basketball coach, on his way to a record number of wins, who is fired for …







20 responses to “Prayer Never Fails – Playlists”

  1. Arlette Johnson Avatar

    Great encouragement at a time, when we want to see our prayers answered, as wars continual to break out. ❤

  2. THE TRUTH Avatar

    Am not surprised some of those who listen to his music behave and talk like him. He doesn't show any level of maturity when it comes to matters like this. Ghanaians will never stop talking negatively about you so level up and produce sensible songs for youth to emulate not this trash you call song.

  3. pjk Avatar

    Never give up on God! He's always with us all!

  4. Klm Group, Llc / Sophia Avatar

    An exceptional film, that came to me unexpectedly this evening to reinforce my belief in the Goodness we are capable of finding inside us, by God's Grace. Everything in this film was prepared with such stunning thoughtfulness. The script, the characters, the acting where their faces and their silences were even more profound than the words. A brave Judge and a Jury that represented the thoughts of our larger Community as a Country, and should inspire all of us to take a stand.

  5. Glenda Gaskin Avatar

    God will not be mocked. Whether we like it or not we will stand before Him. We will stand before Him and give an account.

  6. Donna Megan Avatar

    Prayer is the one common denomination for all humanity. Every religion prays. Christians need to pray more. There is power in prayer and God hears and He answers.

  7. Janice Smiley Avatar

    Great movie 🎥

  8. bret cole Avatar

    Who are they praying to? White Jesus? They don't have a God. God and Christ were Black men, so were their people. Joel 2:27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. Matthew 6:5-15 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you*, They have their reward.6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly*.7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

  9. Karen Styles Avatar

    All this talk about taking away Bible reading or prayer because of the "my God is better than your God" and telling people they can't have a personal relationship with God because of it is nonsense. That's why their is violence in the school's and shootings everywhere. Put God back in schools and maybe there will be no more violence and more learning in school. Only a fool saith in his heart that there is no God.

  10. James Harper Avatar

    What is the real tragedy is people turning turning their backs on Jesus by taking prayer away from schools. But the underlying issue of the gov being in charge of education is also a tragedy that has not only hurt our children from a faith standpoint but has ruined the actual education of those same children. Since 1962 the literacy rate has gone down and is constantly getting worse. The morality of these students has completely fallen away anything that would be recognised as good character.

  11. OntheKingsSide Avatar

    I can’t believe this actor Nick Died during or shortly after filming this film. His portrayal is beautiful and touching. Prayer leads us to Jesus. That’s why we pray. To understand Gods heart and to move with His heart as we pray.

  12. Farzana Bland Avatar

    No one cares what someone did when they were 10 years old.

  13. Nduta K Avatar

    Indeed! Prayer NEVER fails. Thank you Lord, our vindicator

  14. Mark Novakoski Avatar

    I’m Matthew Novakoski positive mind set and the power of prayer lives here

  15. Naomi Favors Avatar

    WHAT A GREAT Movie !!!!! ❤

  16. Karina Alfaro Avatar

    🙏❤️Nice movie

  17. Anita Marsh Avatar

    I teach all my kids that they can pray anywhere, anytime they choose. Man's law is limited. God's law is everlasting. No man can stop anyone from praying silently to their heavenly father. Pray and find peace, courage, wisdom, and strength. God answers prayers.

  18. chrissyandjoey28 Avatar

    Okay I see a lot of movies on the obvious they’re brainwashing the crap out of our kids and us and their being exposed now which I’m extremely grateful but I’m not buying that this is all over every one goes back to normal, no. We’re living in the end times it’s gonna get A LOT WORSE don’t let know one fool you, every one buckle up and pray