Pressing On: The Letterpress Film – Playlists

Wood and metal letters pressed into paper laid the foundation for the modern world. Once essential to communication, letterpress …







12 responses to “Pressing On: The Letterpress Film – Playlists”

  1. Sweet Tiny Hummingbird Avatar

    Thank you for explaining this approach and thank you for sharing your knowledge ❤❤

  2. Me MyName Avatar

    Basically the same letterpress I used in junior high print shop class in the 1950s. I doubt that there are many schools teaching hand setting type from a California job case anymore.

  3. Gandhi Gandhi Avatar

    This will make so many people uncomfortable lol

  4. Alayah Coleman Avatar

    You are literally god 😍

  5. Blake's Pipes Avatar

    Left printing for physical therapy, got hurt lifting a patient. Might need to go back to printing. This was an excellent documentary of how I enjoyed life in my younger years. Now it's just copy machines.

  6. Ario Graham Avatar

    You have the best ideas

  7. William Burdon Avatar

    I took printing in high school for 3 years , 1964 to 1967, after the first year I got a job at the high school,in the summers doing printing for the Columbus School Board. I learned how to hand set type. Put it in a chase and make it ready for the press. I ran the Chandler and Price for 2 summers , There were 3 of them in a row and two of my friends worked there with me. For some reason ,none of them was attached to the floor , so at a certain speed , they would "walk" across the concrete floor into each other or anything else in the way. It never happened ,because we learned to dance with them. Not only did you feed the paper and retrieve it, you bumped the machine back to it's starting point every few revolutions. It was glorious. I watched letterpress almost die, I remember working at a print shop about 1975 and on Friday there were 7 linotype operators each with a machine. On Monday , it was all gone. I spent 36 years in the printing industry . My first few years I worked for decent sized job shops, who maybe printed 10 million single copies a year . The last place I worked was printing 50,000 48 page 4 color advertisements on each press 24 hours a day 7 days a week. At the height we had 9 presses.
    I was a prep room foreman on nights, there was one thing about printing that almost no other job in the world has. Every job is already behind when you get it And no matter what happens , if that piece of paper has a date on it , it must be delivered on time or it is worthless.
    Most people who talk about pressure , have no idea what real pressure is. I was very fortunate in my career, I did everything a person can do in a print shop except sales. I could have done that but wasn't interested. Thank you for the memories.

  8. Homey LeClerk Avatar

    What a beautiful tribute to those who care enough to preserve and remember the best parts of us and our amazing history! Thank you for the brilliant presentation, a real treasure!

  9. Katherine Ozbirn Avatar

    The wife is mean. I don't like her treatment of her husband.

  10. Grandma Sandy Avatar

    Great video thanks for a great video and some great chitchat and some great information