Question for y’all about a weird encounter recently. Long one coming up.


So. Finally got to hook up with someone I’ve wanted to for years. But. It just didn’t go as planned. So I pride myself on being great with my mouth. I always try to make a partner cum before I even think about penetrating. The thing is, she openly said how no guys prioritize her. So I told her “Then tonight is all about you”. She out loud says “no. No guy does that. If you don’t cum tonight you’re gonna hate me/blame me…”. My body did two things at that point.
1. My brain was immediately wired to continue eating her out.
2. I couldn’t get fully hard at all.
Idk why. She was begging me to penetrate but I just couldn’t get hard enough. I was able, about 5 minutes later, to get erect enough to fuck her for a little, which she liked, but instead of just piledriving her till I finished I wanted to take it slow. She got mad and reminded me that she had to go to sleep soon and she didn’t want anymore teasing.
After that I just couldn’t keep it up. We wrapped it up and sat on the bed for a quick second where she expressed again “Guys just don’t prioritize women like that” to which I didn’t even rebuttal.
On the way out she initiated a long kiss which threw me off.
So did I fuck this up? Why does my dick always betray me in these situations? Did my “always want to be the good guy” brain screw this up again?
Also to mention, we were supposed to hang out again yesterday before her trip, but she ultimately bailed (granted at the moment it was 5 hours before a 12 hour trip so I understand)


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