Recently lost virginity don’t like our sex


I recently lost my virginity and the sex isn’t working for us. My BF doesn’t like what I do. I have a small mouth and jaw pain so giving BJs are already hard but he’s vocally disappointed every attempt I make which is discouraging. He’s frustrated with me. I shouldn’t be bad at it. I have autism but still. I can’t figure what techniques work for him and he says I need to figure it out. He won’t show me what to do because it’s too much work for him and he said I’m not smart enough to learn anyway.

I’m not smart enough for the other stuff either. Handjobs don’t feel good enough for him. He says I’m a total failure at riding him. The only thing I am ok at is moving my body when he is the one fucking me. It’s still only ok. I never really cum. My BF lost his patience with me last time and said I’m hopeless in bed.

How do I get better sex? How do I be smarter in bed? I’m not smart outside of sex either. I have a below average IQ and I feel worthless in sex and life in general.


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