regret sex life, comparing to partner


I’m 32m she’s 24f.

I’m a huge nerd, I had social anxiety and performance anxiety growing up. I’m attractive enough, or I’ve been told I’m handsome. For whatever that’s worth. She’s gorgeous and knows it.

She has been with 25+. I’ve been with about 8, maybe 9.
Shes gone on all kinds of vacations and hooked up, downtown, tinder. Lots of ons, fwb.

I get jealous of all that, but what makes it worse is it makes me feel like I wasted my youth. That’s the secondary jealousy. That I’m old now, my hairs going. I don’t know if I even stood a chance of hooking up like she did, but not I’m definitely knocking on relationship only sex.

It’s not that I want to leave. I’m happy. It’s that I regret wasting my youth. And every day when some old fling shows up on her insta story or sc story, I think quietly to myself, I bet they fucked. And I didn’t do any of this crazy fun relaxed go with the flow shit. I was so wound up and in my head.

My question is am I right. Did I miss out? Should I have slept around more, sowed my oats in my youth. I didn’t get the attention she gets. I wish I had.


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