Renowned Dutch Musician Harry Kappen Releases Politically Charged Single ‘WarGames’ @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Renowned Dutch musician and music therapist Harry Kappen has released a politically motivated new single, “WarGames.” Following his full-length album “Escape” that was released earlier in 2022, Kappen wanted to bring the year to an end with a meaningful song that not only provokes people’s thoughts, but also makes an impact on the music scene. “WarGames” addresses political turmoil across the world, while also bringing a call to action for issues such as climate change, media misinformation, social ignorance and more.
“In the ’60s and ’70s, there was a lot of musical protest going on against, among other things, the Vietnam War,” Harry Kappen says. “While there are enough reasons to protest now, I actually hear little resonance in the current music charts. Just check your Top 40. Are war, climate change, hunger, fake news, mistrust, ignorance etc. not reasons enough?”

All the vocals and instruments on ‘WarGames’ have been recorded single-handedly by Harry, which is the case for most of his music. As a music therapist, Harry has mastered several instruments, in addition to vocal techniques, that he plays for his therapy clients. “WarGames” is a catalyst for change that aims to bring advocacy back to the music scene, while also serving as a prologue to Harry Kappen’s next full-length album, which is tentatively due for release in Spring of 2023.

More details can be seen at

Harry Kappen has played in many bands in the Netherlands and throughout Europe. He composed his first song when he was 10 years old. He played with his sister Hanneke in Kapsonic and released a self-titled album with her about 6 years ago. Harry is an admirer of David Bowie, Paul McCartney, Prince, Radiohead, Scandinavian pop music by Björk and Motorpsycho. “Escape” is a concept album, with songs about escaping reality, escaping violence, even life, escaping into love, dreams or art.

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