Revolution – Playlists

From director Hugh Hudson (“Chariots of Fire,” “Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan”) comes a very special film about love and war.







20 responses to “Revolution – Playlists”

  1. Jonathan Pease Avatar

    Forget the Patriot…..this is a much more honest portrayal of how is was.

  2. Brandon Avatar

    29:34 that is a Springfield trapdoor rifle that shoots cartridges… the model was made until the late 1860s… their about 100 years off.

  3. Troy Ellis Avatar

    So bad. Justb terrible.

  4. Davin64 Avatar

    I have always loved this movie. I had no idea it was here. I thank you.

  5. Susan m Avatar

    Right on time 2023!

  6. Jack Barnard Avatar

    I've always have loved this film. It just wasn't on everyone's radar at the time

  7. Rebel Soul Avatar

    Very good movie first time watching it and I’d highly recommend watching it

  8. Duglife Avatar

    Not a terrible film. Not the greatest either, but I'll give it a pass since aside from "The Patriot" it's really one of the only full color Revolutionary War films ever made. It's certainly not without its inaccuracies, such as the scene where Tom's girlfriend gets ambushed. While it is shrouded in historical fact since Valley Forge relied heavily upon civilian suppliers that were often harassed by small groups of horseback red coats, gangs of outlaws that were loyal to the Crown, British-backed Native Americans, or Hessians, there is no way any of them would have been dumb enough to attack so close to the encampment at Valley Forge, and in broad daylight at that. I did like the portrayal of the patriots at the beginning of the film, though. It was accurate in showing how they often grouped together and acted like a bunch of thugs, stealing whatever they pleased and bullying whomever they pleased in the name of "Liberty." Also accurate how they showed that many veterans unfortunately did not get what they were promised because of how broke the Continental Congress and new United States actually was.

  9. Duglife Avatar

    My favorite part is when Tony Montana yells, "It's Revolutioning time!" and he proceeds to Revolt all over the Bri'ish Empire.

  10. Handyman Services of Tucson Avatar

    after 250 years later same America became a tyrant nation terrorizing the world….a new revolution is needed!

  11. William Bush Avatar

    to me,the less pretty boys and the more realistic,the better. Great movie.

  12. S Shaw Avatar

    Did NY have a NY accent then? 😂😂😂

  13. Kai 11151 Avatar

    This lady has a lot of nerve in this film. First she joins the mob and it’s mentality, then she helps the crowds seize and steal another man’s boat with all his possessions and who gets press ganged into service. Finally to top it all off she gaslights him for fleeing a lost battle which was really just a massacre.

  14. Mike Shapiro Avatar

    I think this movie is a prententious load of crap. Long on staging, production and short on dialog. Is this a joke?

  15. Jerry Richards Avatar

    Just makes you think how much we need a new revolution.

  16. Jerry Richards Avatar

    Dose anyone know if this at all a accurate story ?

  17. Wooster Avatar

    Were there any Italian Americans at the time and if there were, did any of them participate in this war?

  18. Jerry Richards Avatar

    I didn't know Pacino did made for tv movies.

  19. Jerry Richards Avatar

    Never heard of this movie.

  20. Willy Ph Walking Avatar

    Nakakamis mga ganyan laro sa fiestahan target shooting