Rina Chanel And Bennie Pearce/Phillie-BOP Productions “ESP” Is #1 On Spotify Playlist Chart @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) “ESP” is number one on Spotify Playlist Chart. Rashad Ali added a post to the album: Mr.Souleffect Jam FM as #1 for ” Likes”. “ESP” is the fifth Rina Chanel single to hit the charts at number one on the AXCIT Radio Chart in Canada (https://acxitradio.com/radio/).
The vocal power and skilled production of Rina Chanel and Bennie Pearce of Phillie-BOP Productions is a fresh showcase of today’s fusion of style and sound. R&B blends with smooth jazz, then steps up to a pop vibe. “E.S.P.” marries powerful lyrics, contagious beats, and soulful emotions to create an EP destined to touch audiences. Bennie Pearce and Rina Chanel drew from their emotions and their imaginations to design a new genre of music.

Lyrics are raw, from the soul and the music has a haunting rhythm that captures audiences with the magic of the blend. Rina Chanel and Bennie Pearce discovered the power of collaboration the moment they stepped into the studio. The fusion of styles and sounds from Rina’s opera/musical theater training and Bennie’s technical expertise and “old school” history, birth a new sound with an old soul. In 2020, Phillie-BOP Productions launched its first international release, “Worthy”, a debut hit single. The single earned the #1 position on charts including Spotify Chart Playlists. The partnership followed up with “More Than Enough”, “Made” and “Sweetest of Melody’, all #1 on various charts, as well as Top 10 and Top 20 categories. The huge success of “ESP” set the bar higher for upcoming release “Je Ne Sais Quoi.”

Rina Chanel and Bennie Pearce will change music with a new genre based on skill and artistry. Phillie-BOP Productions will release Rina Chanel’s first EP, “Rina” in early summer 2023. In 2020, Phillie-BOP Productions launched a first international release, “Worthy”, a debut hit single. The single earned the #1 position on charts including Spotify playlists. An “excellent pairing”, the artists are set to conquer with a new release.

The dynamic pair have altered beliefs in styles and formulas to design a mutual art. Rina confirms her need for someone with technical skill and the freedom to create. Bennie enjoys a partner with the skill and personal style to work with him to craft the music and lyrics with the flexibility of experimenting to reach a new level of perfection. Rina’s bubbly, upbeat attitude makes the music “wrapped in love and positivity” in a world drowning in uncertainty and gloom. She is the sound of hope. Rina Chanel and Bennie Pearce are currently working on Rina’s debut project, an EP self-titled “Rina.” The EP is an introspective, reflective view of her inner thoughts and a vulnerable glimpse of her core values. Rina Chanel blends R&B with Jazz, then switches to Pop before relaxing into the sweetest Gospel. Each song runs the gamut of style and genre with an effortless beauty that is unique and compelling. Her talent and precision flirts with the powerful icons of the blues, while it captures young hearts. The inclusive demographics helped her climb the charts, becoming the sweetheart vocalist of today. Bennie and Rina share a passion for music that they would consider “classic.” They want their product to be quality and are not pressured by the release-heavy era that the music industry is currently in. Precision vocals are built on training and a naturally unique style that touches emotions in the most delicious way.

Bennie Pearce is a musician/producer/songwriter. The Philadelphia native was immersed in diverse music styles from jazz to R&B to classics. His influences span from music of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, ranging from jazz, blues, and soul to acoustic music. His arrangements are pure and powerful. Bennie Pearce has a sound destined to create a new style of music with no genre confines. Bennie is a member of the American Society of Composers and Publishers (ASCAP). He is an independent publisher under Phillie-BOP Music.

Rina Chanel & Bennie Pearce/ Phillie-BOP Productions built a brand designed to uplift and entertain. The brand is built to encourage and inspire generations needing role models. All music written, arranged, performed and recorded by: Bennie Pearce for Phillie-BOP Music (ASCAP), Produced by: Bennie Pearce for Phillie-BOP Productions, Lyrics by: Syrina White (ASCAP) and Bennie Pearce, Lead and Background vocals: Rina Chanel and Bennie Pearce, Spoken Lyrics: Bennie Pearce, Mixed by: Craig White, Mastered by: Peter Humphreys, Mastered at Masterwork Recording Inc., Philadelphia, Copyrighted 2022.

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function statusChangeCallback(response) {
// The response object is returned with a status field that lets the
// app know the current login status of the person.
// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// Here we run a very simple test of the Graph API after login is
// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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FB.api(‘/me’, function(response) {
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