Ringo Starr Announces And His All Starr Band To Stop At The Fabulous Fox Theatre, September 23 @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Today Ringo Starr revealed his Fall tour plans. Speaking to Pollstar for the current cover story two weeks before launching his Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band Spring tour, Ringo shared that the band will also be touring this Fall. Read it here.

“Well, I love to play. I love an audience,” Ringo told Andy Gensler of Pollstar. “This is a known fact. I love the audience, they love me. We have fun on tour. That’s what it’s all about. I don’t do this to be miserable. I have a lot of joy. I get a lot of joy and I just love doing it…..and I’ll be doing a lot of peace and love in your city soon, May, June, look me up!”

This year’s line-up features Steve Lukather, Colin Hay, Edgar Winter, Warren Ham, Hamish Stuart, Gregg Bissonette. Autumn dates include shows in Ontario, CA, Tucson, AZ and a stop at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in St. Louis on Saturday, September 23 with more to be announced soon.

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