Sex drought after moving in together


Hi everyone!

Me (26M) and my girlfriend (25F) moved in together this summer. We have been together for about 3 years, and I really can’t complain about anything. The transition to living together has been basically seamless and we are really great for each other.

The thing I have noticed is that since we have moved in together, our sex life has decreased significantly. She has a very demanding/tiring job, and has for the entire time we have been together, so we didn’t have sex all that frequently to begin, with which was never a problem for me – I sympathize when she is exhausted and the sex we do have is great. However, it seems like we’ve fallen into a routine over the last few months. We get home from work, we hang out together or with friends and have dinner, and call it a night. We haven’t had sex in over a month now. Nothing else seems out of the ordinary, we still hug and kiss and cuddle and thoroughly enjoy time spent together, but just no sex. The last thing I want to do is put pressure on her, and I hate when sex feels planned out or obligatory, but do any of you have any advice for me to throw a wrench in our current routine and get some of that intimacy back? It would really be the icing on the cake for an otherwise really amazing situation I have going on right now 🙂 thanks all!


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