Sex life is dwindling as husband refuses to have vasectomy and doesn’t want to wear condoms


I’ve been on hormonal birth control for 15 years. I’ve been on almost everything – the implant, the ring, the shot, the pill, the patch. Everything gives me bad moon swings, severe cramps, or heavy bleeding. Bleeding was the most concerning and why I’ve dropped every birth control option. Unfortunately almost everything eventually made me bleed heavily to where I became anemic. I saw multiple OB/GYNs and I was tested for many different things. There is nothing wrong with me, it’s the birth control. As soon as I stopped birth control, within a month, everything was back to normal (except my iron levels). I am finally back to having a monthly period instead of a period 300+ days out of the year.

At the same time, my health insurance will not cover getting my tubes tied… But vasectomies are covered. Husband refuses to get a vasectomy. Neither of us wants kids. I’m fine with condoms, I genuinely can’t tell the difference anyways. But he refuses to wear condoms, and now we have a dead bedroom. I don’t know why he doesn’t want to get a vasectomy. It is far cheaper and less invasive than a tubal ligation. Has anyone ever been in this situation?


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