Sex red flag or just no chemistry?


I was in a relationship where the physical chemistry just seemed a little off. I wanted to take sex slow, but he definitely had a higher libido than me. The first time any sort of sex happened (like our 3rd date), we we’re making out and I naturally/gently placed my hand on his crotch (fully clothed) without thinking about it. Next thing I know he pulled his pants down for a hand job. Not what I wanted to happen, but I laughed it off and didn’t think much of it. It seemed like he wanted it all the time after and I didn’t. I even had a conversation about wanting to take it slow (and why), and that he was wanting it too much for me.

Finally, we were alone on a bed for the first time. Obviously, we were hard core making out and naked cuddling. We hadn’t had PIV sex yet, and I said “I don’t think we should” and I’m not kidding when I say he just put it in. No foreplay or anything. I was honestly confused and did not expect it. It was just so quick. He said he though I meant it in an “innocent” way. Is this disrespectful behavior or a red flag? Or do we just not click sexually? He seems so respectful in all other aspects, but when it comes to sex, it’s a bit weird.


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