Sex when disabled


So, I’m in a wheelchair. It’s definitely been an awkward thing for some hookups in the past. Because I don’t outright say that I’m disabled. I made a point to add it to my tinder bio and I’ll add it to my profile here soon.
I just want to know if anyone else here has had any similar experiences that I’ll outline below? I feel pretty self conscious about my chair and I can sometimes tell when guys aren’t too interested when I see them in person. So here is some issues I’ve had:

– I’m not sure if it’s me or the other person, but even when I adjust how I’m laying on the bed, rarely can a guy keep their dick inside of me. They always have to readjust.
– I’m sure others in my position have gotten this, but one thing I hate is when some guys will use my disability as their personal fetish. It doesn’t make me feel good.

Even though over the years, my self esteem and confidence has gotten a lot better, I still feel bad when I go to certain hookups and it feels like I’m not what they expected.

How have you guys handled this? And should I just be more explicit that I’m disabled since I know sometimes people don’t read bios? Any advice would be very helpful.


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