Sex With me is to messy apparently


Feeling insecure after he told me sex with me is to messy

18F I don’t have a lot of sexual experience and I’ve only been with one other guy than my current partner. We’ve only just started getting intimate with each other after a couple months of dating last week was probably the 3rd time it’s happened.

But couple days ago he expressed to me that sex with me is really messy and it’s kind of putting him off me. He says I get to wet for his liking and I squirt and cream to much. It puts him off giving me oral because he says he doesn’t like all of my wetness in his mouth and when I cum the squirt and the cream is to much of a clean up after so he can’t have no spontaneous sex with me because we can’t be discreet about it. I nearly always squirt even when I’m masturbating but a bit more during sex.

I’m feeling really self conscious i was just wondering is there anyway to reduce the amount of wetness that I produce or even ways to stop me squirting when I orgasm. He hasn’t really been talking to me properly since that conversation I just want to see if I can try and fix it.


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