Shady Customer Tries to Cancel Generous Tip While Date Isn’t Looking, Server Humiliates Him – Memebase – Armessa Gifs & Memes


“We had a guy come in last night with is date”

OP’s customer makes a show of wining and dining his date

Customer leaves a generous tip 

“Don’t plan to tip, don’t plan to eat out, you know?”

Customer shows his true colors

OP plays it cool

Major red flags

OP gets back at the guy without losing her cool

Customer gets brutally exposed

No way out of this one, pal

“You could feel the rage emanating off him”

Sweet vengeance


The comment section

Redditors in the comment section were stunned, to say the least. So stunned, in fact, that some literally couldn’t believe the audacity of OP’s customer and questioned whether OP made the whole thing up. Regardless, redditors had a whole lot to say about shitty customers who don’t tip.

“Retroactively Downgrading? Hook, line and sinker, folks we have ourselves a LIVE one!!” Exclaimed u/Double_Match_1910.

u/Shawofthecrow explained how they would have taken a simpler approach. “Great way to get back at him. I would’ve said no problem and kept the $100. He signed it, so the dispute would fall.”

After a number of redditors chimed to claim that OP’s customer wouldn’t have been able to successfully dispute the charge, u/jaymbee00 argued that there’s a good chance he would have gotten away with it. “If you dispute a charge with your card company, there’s a 90-95% chance the business will lose the dispute, regardless of signature. Honestly, regardless of almost any evidence, we, the merchants offer to the card companies. Also, say you dispute a transaction, the merchant fights it and wins the initial dispute. You, the customer then appeal the result, and continue arguing the transaction… merchants will absolutely lose 100% of those disputes. I don’t like it. That’s just the way it is; here in the United States, that is. We work in hospitality, we don’t even try to fight ‘em any more. It’s just a new form of theft…”

“Get em’,” encouraged u/Fuquar7, “I think you did her a favor exposing his deficiencies.”

Read the original thread here.


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– Armessa Gifs & Memes


