She told me I have a good “starter dick”?


I (23m) recently had sex with a girl (19f) from one of my grad courses and things went really well for the most part. I ate her out and communicated with her about what she wanted and she clearly enjoyed it. But she is only the third person I’ve been physical with and when we finished, I asked if there was anything she wanted me to do or work on next time.

She said I was amazing at oral and was very communicative, which helped her orgasm several times while I was going down on her. When we discussed the actual penetration, she said that it was “pretty good,” and that I had a “great starter dick.” I’m not sure what this means or if it’s good or bad. I asked her about it the next time we talked but she was really vague in her response.

We texted recently and she asked if I would be able to come over and eat her out. I was super excited because I really enjoy that, but when I responded that I’d love to and that I’d bring condoms in case she wanted more, she responded that her schedule is pretty busy and she may not have time to meet.
What is a starter dick and what did I do wrong?


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