She told me she doesn’t need to cum to be satisfied, and doesn’t want the pressure of needing to finish.


I (23M) have been seeing a girl (24F) who I’ve known for a long time but only became physical with a few months ago. She’s sweet, caring, and fun, and we have phenomenal sexual chemistry.

I love eating her out and fingering her and I do it every time we have sex, but I’ve yet to give her a full body, earth shattering orgasm. I told her that I’d like to try harder to make that happen each time, to which she responded that she didn’t need to finish to be satisfied and that she wouldn’t want the pressure of needing to finish.

I’m just curious what you ladies think of this. I would be willing (and would love to) put in the work to make it happen for her every time, but I don’t want her to feel pressured or sad if she doesn’t finish.

Is she just being nice and easygoing, or is she really okay with not finishing? Should I feel guilty for finishing if she doesn’t finish too?

Thanks in advance for any help!

EDIT: Wow, I was not expecting this to get the attention that it did. Thanks to everyone who offered their advice – I am now confident in knowing how to proceed with her. I’ve decided not to bring it up again for now (begone, pressure), but to continue trying things and internalizing her responses to my actions so that I can eventually, naturally, make it happen for her. To those who think that me wanting to make her finish is some self-gratifying endeavour, I assure you it is not. I simply want to be the best sexual partner that I can be for this girl, since this is the first time in a long time that I’ve been with someone who I have connected with so deeply and who I truly care about.


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