“She’s a 10 but she’s got fake teeth” I’m worried about my chances in hookups now..


Sooo … I wanna get back into hooking up, I miss sex desperately, but I’m worried guys will find these changes gross .. For context, yes, I’ve had to go through with this for the sake of my life. Literally. I’m 29F and what started out as a chipped tooth from violence, turned into cavities, being unable to afford a dentist, then to abscess teeth, to having to remove teeth as a medical emergency…
I’ve always taken good care of my teeth, so I’m not unhygienic, just somehow my dental health plummeted and I couldn’t do anything about it…
Months ago, I did finally see a dentist and was referred to a surgeon immediately, the surgeon helped me get funding so I didn’t have to pay and the surgeon told me a lot of my teeth was still ok but from where teeth extractions were costly and this funding was limited, it would be cheaper and less hassle to extract them all in one go (especially since they could react the same as the bad ones someday)

I was rushed to surgery after that and had everything removed. It was so rushed I didn’t find out until afterward that because of my jaw placement I had to have implants for the bottom row, but the top will be entirely removable. (I also found out by trying it out on a toy that bjs are hella easy without any teeth lol) I currently am still healing a bit, but I’m getting fitted in the coming 1-2 weeks.

Now, even though I’m grateful for my health and well-being from this, and SO grateful for my surgeon that saved me… I’m so self conscious because I know a lot of people are disgusted by false teeth and associate them with the elderly, former addicts, or unhygienic people. It’s making me hesitant to join dating apps or to even try talking to anyone new..
I have asked a few male friends what they would think if their gf/wife ever had to get fake teeth and I got mixed reactions; some disgusted, some ‘curious’.

I honestly don’t know what I should do, or how to get past it. I’ve been bouncing around the idea of just being upfront about it from the beginning or pretending they’re not fake and avoid giving bjs to avoid slips.. but I feel like either idea will bite me in the ass.
Plz help? 🙏


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