Should I break my celibacy ??


Female in her 20s here. I have a dilemma. A year ago, I got out of a long long term relationship with someone I thought I was gonna marry. I’ve been celibate for the entire breakup thus far. My ex is the only person that I’ve been with sexually. I grew up religious so I have some hang ups about sex. But after being celibate for most of my life, I lowkey feel like I’m going to start tweaking out if I continue to remain celibate. I guess my issue is that ideally I would like to only be sexual with a person I’m in a serious committed relationship. But the dating market is so shitty, I don’t know when I’ll find my person. And after being in such a long-term relationship, I also don’t see myself committing to someone just to be in a relationship. My ultimate goal is to find my soulmate and get married. So, sometimes I worry being a part of hookup culture even if it’s only done once will affect my ability to achieve that. What makes matters worse, is that I know as a young woman dick is on tap. So I feel like I’m self-inflicting this problem. But I don’t know what to do. I’m interested to know y’all’s thoughts on this. Also, what’s y’all’s experience with fwb??


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