Should i tell him im on my period?


so i (f23) am supposed to see this guy tomorrow that i’ve been seeing a few times now. each time we have had sex but also just hung out. but this definitely means that sex is a unspoken expectation.
the problem this time is that i am unexpectedly bleeding and i am unsure how to handle it.
should i tell him before meeting? as we go back to his place? should i try to reschedule the date even though i don’t know when the bleeding may stop?
i am definitely up for doing other stuff like giving him a blowjob or maybe even having sex in the shower (as i assume this will make less of a mess?). i just feel like i might disappoint him even though i know its natural and i cant help it… any good advice? experience?
i know it seems silly but i am genuinely unsure how to go about it!


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