Since becoming official, gf’s sex drive has plummeted, what to do?


Hi all, was wondering if anyone had ever been in this situation. Me and my gf met a couple years ago, and for a year we’re effectively just fwb. The sex was amazing, we had a super active sex live together and practically only saw each other, would have sex multiple times a week and it was very fulfilling.

We decided to start dating a year ago or so, and that also meant me staying over at hers a lot more (she had her own place living alone). Slowly though, the sex got less and less, and this was mainly from her side.

We moved in together to a new place recently, and the sex life is now pretty much zero. She is never interested in sex, always rejects any advance I make. We don’t even make out anymore, whereas my sex drive is as strong as ever. One of her parents passed a few months ago, and she has been of course quite upset since, which I assumed may also be impacting it.

My questions is though, this has been a trend ever since we became official and started basically living together. We have spoken a couple of times about it, but she doesn’t seem to be that concerned about it – it seems she feels very take it or leave it in regards to it every improving or being like it used to be. I feel like she doesn’t find me attractive anymore, she doesn’t seem to have much desire for me sexually/intimately. What can I do to try and improve it without it feeling pressurising to her? Will it ever go back to normal? Advice/experience is appreciated.


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