So my hookup tapped out, is it good or bad?


So i hooked up with this girl the other day, and it was great, went on for around an hour to an hour and a half but during it she kept saying how many times I’ve made her cum, i don’t know the exact amount but i know it was a lot by the way she was telling me, she said she needed a break from receiving head and getting fucked so she just gave me head, i knew she was exhausted so i asked her if she wanted to stop and take a break, which she did. is that a good thing that she tapped out or do you think otherwise? i felt bad because i usually last a long time and felt bad that i didnt

Update: I talked to her and she said it wasn’t a bad thing she was just tired after a while, which is fair. thank you guys for giving me feedback on what to do if it happens again👍🏼


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