Sound City – Playlists

Directed by Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters) and featuring interviews and performances by the iconic musicians who made …








20 responses to “Sound City – Playlists”

  1. Mrs Craig Jr Philadelphia Avatar

    PHILADELPHIA USA ☦️🇺🇲😱😘😎🐑🔔🏥🩰😇

  2. Michael Harrington Avatar

    Sound City and the one about Tower Records are 2 of the best documentaries on YouTube.

  3. NoContentFromOldMan Avatar

    With all those hit records, why were the SS owners so financially strapped? Did they not own the building, did they mortgage whatever they had there or was there just not much money in running a (rundown) studio? In a cosmic sense, maybe it was just meant to be a happy accident that helped people make good sounding hit records that big $$ for labels, producers and artists.

  4. Rhino Skin Avatar

    One thing these guys forget about tech is it helps people that are less fortunate, financially, to create.. I can't afford the analog gear, should I have to be wealthy to get into music or was that the gatekeeper?

  5. Rhino Skin Avatar

    As soon as Dave teaches me to use that Neve console, I'll stop using Cubase lol

  6. Nate Webster Avatar


  7. Johann Johann Avatar

    Best statement in the movie: Tom Petty "Music isn't really supposed to be perfect. Music must come from the soul." And from the soul is where we get emotions, and are they perfect? Only in music can the sum of the parts be greater than the whole. That's the magic of music, and without it, life would be a mistake.

  8. Johann Johann Avatar

    Great movie, great story. And through all the people and musicians, the man that made it all happen didn't work at the studio, but he placed his heart there: Rupert Neve. Without him Rock and Rock, and Sound City would have never been what it was and is today. And of course, Dave for making this movie and telling the wonderful story behind Sound City. Thanks!

  9. The Stinky Cheese Man Avatar

    I think Krist Novaselic is the only bass player to appear in this whole doc.


  10. david dicara Avatar

    HAHAHAHA! That was so funny how it took 30 seconds to set up the 2 inch tape!!!
    That can take hours!!!!

  11. Elizabeth Green Avatar

    ⭐⭐⭐Amazing👌 ⭐⭐⭐

  12. Riot Home Recording Avatar

    I have a bunch of old Neve modules from a Neve console. Neve 1066’s, 1073’s, 1064’s, 1272’s. If anyone wants to sell me some I’d buy a bunch more!

  13. Zip Avatar

    42:57 He looks Like the Guy From Heavens Gate… Aka The New guy from Oceans gate as well. The Death of Analog Music Gurus.

  14. joe19912 Avatar

    So awesome that Stevie Nicks was the first voice on that board, and still rockin it!

  15. Nolan Ricardo Avatar

    I wish they would’ve talked more about Pinkerton

  16. Luis Lopez Avatar

    I was working outside of this building when one of the staff told me about the history of the building. I'm glad just to be standing close to it knowing now how many greats have been here. Thank you Joe for letting me know.

  17. Red River Avatar

    Watch sound city 12 X and still be enthralled….. Check.

  18. Blanky McAlias Avatar

    I wonder if Taylor Hawkins was buried shirtless……?