Sour Grapes – Playlists

Controversy erupts when an unassuming young man floods the American wine market with fake vintages valued in the millions, …







30 responses to “Sour Grapes – Playlists”

  1. Malcolm Purple Avatar

    Lol. They all deserved it.

  2. BB Avatar

    I’m also here from JRE… I also haven’t seen so many pricks in such a short amount of time My mind is a little blown by the overall arrogance in this video

  3. acorazado27 Avatar

    Brought to you by Cerveza Pacifico

  4. Sanford Williams Avatar

    Why didn’t he appeal?

  5. MyRandomLife Avatar

    Stockholm syndrome

  6. Trey Perry Avatar

    Aww he jacked your “fuck you money”.

  7. Kelley Condon Avatar

    u don't get many chances to use the word phantasmagoric these days do you…

  8. Rjc Avatar


  9. Rusty Reno Avatar

    Rudy Kurniawan served 7 years of his sentence and was deported in 2021

  10. Least Trending Avatar

    This guy sold these idiots cheap garbage and they couldnt tell the difference.

  11. Least Trending Avatar

    In a bouble blind taste test 90%of wine experts can't tell the difference with fine wine and cheap shit.

  12. alchemist Avatar

    Fake art, fake wine, fake scholars, fiat money. Capitalism is a failed experiment with so many examples of manipulated worth. Its priceless to be able to watch all this unfold in realtime. 🍿

  13. Michael Henry Avatar

    58:44 you were in on it that’s why.

  14. Bryan Pure Avatar

    Best part was the douchebags that were talking about how great and real that wine was and then they got shut down by the bigger douche…skunk juice haha

  15. Ty Aucupis Avatar

    If you pay more than $40 for a bottle of wine, you deserve to be ripped off.

  16. Xander X Avatar

    Hollywood Jeff won’t accept the truth

  17. Bobby Fischer Avatar

    I love all these rich pretentious pricks that think they are so sophisticated and really don’t know a damned thing about wine.

  18. Bobby Fischer Avatar

    I swear I’m not here from JRE yea yea I swear

  19. PeePeeMilk Avatar

    Oh god…. 10 years for selling rich people fake fucking wine. Bunch of crybaby’s, he played you guys. Just take the L.

  20. LLJ Avatar

    10 years for selling some fake wine. They should have given a max of 5 and said that's it.

  21. eddy mattiolo Avatar

    JRE training by day JR podcast by night all day.

  22. Mason M. Martinez Avatar

    Joe brought me here. Worth the watch.

  23. MrCallofduty333 Avatar

    Same here!! Love me some JRE

  24. Justin E Avatar

    Ridiculous that he got 10 years in prison but some of the biggest frauds in history only got fines

  25. Parker o'kane Avatar

    102:35 hilarious, when the guy who actually knew what good wine is, told the suckers that what they were drinking is "skunk-juice" the dude is the vest is so fake, very pathetic tag-along type dude

  26. Oscar Sanchez Avatar

    JRE Brought me here. Emotional intelligence on how some of his friends let it Go. He was wrong but it takes a friend to be there and still want to help him. Mental Resilience

  27. Kama Avatar

    I'm glad lifelong criminal thief, Bill Koch, got scammed. A murderous tyrant getting scammed? Oh my my…where's my hanky?

  28. Kama Avatar

    U.S. sentences in general are way too steep. I think the "payback fines" and 2 yrs would have been adequate. 10 yrs is just sadistic.

  29. Sauly Grullon Avatar

    JRE put me on 😂

  30. Kat Moore Avatar

    I am in love with the lil french dude. “we never used that wax!”