Stolen – Playlists

A detective deals with the loss of his own son while trying to uncover the identity of a boy whose mummified remains are found in …








23 responses to “Stolen – Playlists”

  1. Wen McBrain Vansandt Avatar

    So sad a lifetime of misery just for a few minutes with a girl. Why didn't he just lock the doors. Why didn't he just go home or wherever.

  2. F.T Avatar

    So sad to lose a child under those circumstances. Always wondering , always looking for your child . Not knowing is a terrible thing.

  3. Lisa Royer Avatar

    Good movie, it's sad tho.

  4. Big Will A.S.O. 79 D.T.T.P Avatar

    Really good movie. 2thumbs up

  5. Chris Dieringer Avatar

    Sad but a very good movie!

  6. K C Sunbeam Avatar

    Excellent movie!

  7. Boo  Boo Avatar

    James Van could never ever look that old and bad in real life…He's always had that baby face! 🤩

  8. Wendy spangler Avatar

    Very sad but riveting movie

  9. John Davis Avatar

    This movie sucks. Don’t waste your time. First off there is no sound the volume is too low even with a Bluetooth speaker close to my ear. That being said it’s hard to keep up with because I can’t hear what is being said.

  10. John Davis Avatar

    No volume or sound. Can’t hear the movie.

  11. Steven Constantine Avatar

    Great movie, great this that and the other thing

  12. Janette Brown Avatar

    Tell me or who ever can you hear this movie? Please u 2 make an opinion.

  13. Alison K Avatar

    So no one in the diner heard any conversation between a stranger in the kid and did not see anything happen or them leaving, while Jon Hamm was in the bathroom?

  14. Delmus Ingle Avatar

    A very well made movie. Most do not understand that a father who has lost children in a divorce from a vengeful wife goes through much of the same pain. He wonders what happened? Why? Many fathers never know and his children are transformed by his ex's lies. He is excommunicated by friends and relatives due to her lies. …. To him, it is though his family died and disappeared. He is alone ….. and does not understand why…. death to him seems his only resolve. ….. So, I have some empathy to this man's pain. It never leaves, always there lurking in the unknown.

  15. Elena Celeste Avatar

    Every time the ads come on it blasts my ears. Then I have to crank the volume up over and over. Good grief- ads very annoying- good movie to watch though.

  16. Elena Celeste Avatar

    Josh Lucas and John Hamm gotta be a good movie! oh yes great actors❤

  17. Peter Wesley Bastone Avatar

    Beautiful story of pain. Cheers!!!!

  18. Anita Hutchison Avatar

    What a great movie; what a terrible situation. No one wins.

  19. Humgin1234 Avatar

    5 stars thanks for sharing this

  20. Robert Mcdaniel Avatar

    Cant hardly hear most of it