Stray Cats Reunion In The Works In 2024, Says Bassist Lee Rocker @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Stray Cat bassist Lee Rocker confirms that discussions are underway laying the groundwork for the rockabilly legends to Stray Cat Strut their way back onto stages in the USA next year. The 2024 dates will be the Stray Cats first shows since 2019.

“Well, now that the cats out of the bag, pun intended, I have to say it’s going to be a blast to get the Stray Cats back together to Rock This Town! See what I did there?” said Rocker. The Grammy nominated multi-platinum-selling trio, who were staples of the early days of MTV, are returning to share their unique brand of blistering rock and roll with their devoted fans.

“I can’t go into specifics since there are still a lot of details to work out, but one thing I can guarantee you is that when Setzer, Rocker and Phantom are on stage together, sparks are going to fly and that Stray Cats magic is undeniable.”

To help gear up for the 2024 reunion, Lee Rocker is set to embark on a tour of warm up dates this fall, performing the biggest Stray Cats hits including ‘Rock This Town’, ‘Stray Cat Strut’, and ‘(She’s) Sexy + 17’ as well as cuts from his most recent album ‘Gather Round’ and timeless rockabilly classics. In these concerts, Lee Rocker incorporates video screens and rare film footage as Lee goes behind the scene with audiences, telling stories of how these songs came together as well as sharing fascinating and sometimes hilarious moments from a 45 year career as an icon of American music.

Stray Cat Lee Rocker’s fall tour kicks off with shows in the following cities:

– Thursday, October 5th: Wiens Family Cellars in Temecula, CA

– Saturday, October 14th: Janet & Ray Scherr Forum Theatre in Thousand Oaks, CA

– Friday, November 10th: Mainstage Theater in Grayslake, IL

– Saturday, November 11th: Stroede Center for the Arts in Defiance, OH

– Sunday, November 12th: Music Box Supper Club in Cleveland, OH

– Friday, November 17th: McPherson Opera House in McPherson, KS

– Saturday, November 18th: Bowlus Fine Arts Center, Iola, KS

– Saturday, December 2nd: The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, CA

– Friday, December 8th: Reynolds Performance Hall, Conway, AR

To purchase tickets, go to

“If you like the Stray Cats, you’ll love this show. I’ll be playing smaller, more intimate spots than the much bigger venues The Stray Cats will be in next year. It’ll be a great chance to get up close and personal in a way that just won’t be possible during next year’s reunion tour. It’s an absolute honor to fly the banner for the group as The Stray Cat Lee Rocker on these shows. Come see us!”

Along with his work with Stray Cats, legendary bassist and vocalist Lee Rocker has recorded and performed with many of the biggest names in popular music, including Beatles George Harrison and Ringo Starr, Willie Nelson, Leon Russell, Keith Richards, Carl Perkins and more. Rocker has released 15 solo albums.

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