Stretch marks make me anxious about taking my clothes off


So I (29F) have recently made plans with an old FWB (27M) and I’m anxious about it. The last time we saw each other was roughly 4-5 years ago and since then my physical appearance has changed. When we were involved I was a size 8 and have gone up to a 12, the weight itself isn’t necessary what’s bothering but more so my stretch marks. They’re on my lower stomach and boobs, when he reached out to me to make plans I was initially excited since intimacy with him was always great but now I’m wondering if he’ll still want me after seeing these changes. I’ve asked him to meet in person before hand to ensure we’re still comfortable with each other and although he was confused he agreed. I’m unsure whether or not I should mention this to him or wait and see this how plays out because my ultimate worst case scenario is he sees me naked and decides he can’t go through with it or worse goes through with it while not really being into it. I know he’s wondering why I want to check if we’re still comfortable but realistically I want him to see me as I am now so if it won’t happen my ego will come out less bruised. Vice versa as well I suppose but to me it’s always boiled down to if I was comfortable enough with the person to go through with it, he’s not a bad guy by any means but I am aware he has a physical type that I realistically do not fall under anymore. I suppose I’m here to get some advice on the best way to approach this with him without sounding as insecure as I feel. If this doesn’t pan out it’s fine I just think I’m more in my head about this since it’s someone from my past who remembers me a certain way. Any advice I’d appreciate


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