Strong feelings of detachment when I don’t have sex with wife for a few weeks


Hi. I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit for this.

I have an anxious attachment style and would say that physicality is my love language. I’m coming to the realization that there are probably biochemical underliers to this; I maybe get stronger than average bursts of oxytocin from a lover or potentially my parasympathetic nerve system relaxes more than common during cuddling or after sex.

In the past, me and my wife have had a situation where we don’t have sex for extending periods of time. At the time, this made me upset, but it felt manageable. At any rate, we’ve made a lot of changes in the past year and that is hopefully behind us.

The issue is that now, when we don’t have sex for a few weeks, I get feelings of severe detachment from my wife. It starts with annoyance and anxiety, but pretty quickly can escalate to a place where I just don’t even want to be around her or talk to her. I get strong feelings of rejection. I feel resentful and taken advantage of for my contributions around our household.

Has anyone else experiences this? It seems to be getting worse everytime it happens.

I should probably add that we are in a CNM relationship, but this is much more recent than that.


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