Sudden loss of penis sensitivity during masturbation


I (21M) suddenly felt a loss of the usual sensitivity or the good feeling when masturbating. First of all I’m asking this here because google doesn’t explain this weird occurrence. I’m also a virgin.

I didn’t have history of erection problems. When doing the act these past years, it felt as good as it should. I’m going to describe how it felt before this: the friction was very sensitive to the penis and ejaculation felt very erotic. All of a sudden, about 1 year ago, the stimulation during masturbation felt lame. It wasn’t a gradual decrease in pleasure but just immediately a few days after my previous session, the friction during my masturbation became horrible no matter what efforts I did. Using lube didn’t increase the pleasure. From this time onward, my climaxes felt way less erotic and were more of a “lovey-dovey” feeling (Sorry but I’m trying my best to explain). This problem has continued until now and I feel really angry, annoyed and confused. I want to solve it ASAP so I’m wondering if you all have some ideas about this condition. Thanks.


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