Surgeons Force Vet Students to Skip Lunch and Come to Lab Early, Students Collectively Refuse – Memebase – Armessa Gifs & Memes


“Entire class skips optional early start to lab, we were given an hour for lunch and we’re going to take all of our time” Posted by u/Meekly-Enthusiasm

The comment section

“I can’t believe the surgeon culture is just as toxic in veterinary medicine as in human medicine. This shit has got to stop. People can be dedicated to their job and have a reasonable quality of life at the same time.” said u/drunkenknight9.

“It’s sad that a field which thrives on evidence-based practice is subject to a working culture that is based on ‘this is how we’ve always done it’ or, ‘I suffered when I was in training, you should too.’” said u/SwanseaJack1.

“My aunt while in medical school: this treatment is not in patients’ best interest, and the reason, ‘I went through it, so now you have to’ isn’t good enough. I’m going to change this once I’m the one making the rules. My aunt, once she finished: I went through it, so they have to, too.” said u/Past_Ad_5629.

“Agreed, the cycle of punching down needs to end and stay in the past. I hope more of the other schools are like yours and much more encouraging and supportive to students overall. I was a lot more timid when I started my vet med journey, just grateful to be working as a kennel tech in high school, I probably would have licked dog shit of a doctor’s shoe if they’d asked… but I realized I don’t have the time to put up with being treated poorly, and that the people who are perpetrating that treatment are also often the ones not practicing the best medicine and generally don’t have the best patient outcomes. I’m very fortunate to have already found my dream hospital where I’m still working on breaks and going back after graduation, and I have a great working relationship with a couple doctors/mentors there.” said OP.

“Agree with the acting together part. Unfortunate part about those textbook access codes is that the accompanying MyMathLab or whatever is connected to your student Canvas/Blackboard account individually, and its what my undergrad homework was assigned through. So, you’re barred form completing any homework that way. They’ve thought of everything to keep getting our money.” said OP.

Read the entire thread here.


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– Armessa Gifs & Memes


