Swedish Twin Duo Ivy Nord Release Emotional New Single ‘Closer’ @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) The duo consists of a twin couple from the South-west of Sweden – Sara & Matilda Hesslind. With electro pop-infused productions, combined with vulnerable lyrics they turn heartbreak into strength. Ivy Nord released their first single “Bitter Sweet” together with DJ duo EMMA/EMMY in July summer 2021, released their second single “Lucid Dreaming” on the 15th of October and after that released “Scissors”, “Stay” & “Die For Me“. The duo has since then been featured in various music blogs, radio and magazines such as EDM.COM, Expressen, DJanemag, P4, “Saturday night with Hayley” (spotlight-tv.co.uk), Tove Magazine, Pop Muzik, Scandi pop, GP, Göteborgs Direkt etc. Ivy Nords mission is to empower people through their music.

The Swedish twin duo, Ivy Nord, is releasing their latest single, “Closer” on the 26th of May 2023. The emotional track is a deeply personal exploration of the artists’ journey towards self-love and the importance of relying on each other for support through tough times.

The electro-pop production, paired with the raw and honest lyrics, create a powerful and relatable listening experience for fans. “Closer” takes listeners on a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and the struggles that come along the way.

In a statement, Ivy Nord shared their thoughts on the new single: “Closer is a song that’s very close to our hearts. It’s about our personal struggles with self-love and acceptance, but also about the bond we share as twins. We’ve always had each other to lean on, and that’s what makes us stronger. We hope that this song resonates with our fans and helps them feel a little less alone.”

The twin duo is starting to make waves in the music industry with their unique sound. Born and raised in Sweden, the duo has been creating music together since they were young. The twins are known for their hard work and dedication, together they’re a super force.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivynord/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IvyNord/

Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@ivynordofficial

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1dCnQdBWZfOHwJjUCtACzL

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