Tag: aroused

  • Does a lack of sex make you more or less aroused?

    [ad_1] I don’t mean a short amount of time not having sex. I mean a year or longer. I am also not talking about erections. But more about the arousal levels in someone’s head Does one become more and more aroused the more time you don’t have sex? Or is there a “use it or…

  • How does it feel like to make out/having sex when you’re not aroused?

    [ad_1] Imagine you don’t feel like it but you still do it because you don’t want to disappoint your partner. And if you’re not aroused chemicals like dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin which are responsible for clouding your rational mind are not released. Isn’t it weird and gross when you’re aware of every single smell, sound,…

  • Aroused from drinking water?

    [ad_1] I’m a 24f and I’ve only known 1 other girl tell me she understands this.. but the pressure from my full bladder pressing makes every day feel like a total rollercoaster and it makes me feel insanely desperate to get laid several times a day, every day. It can be a nice feeling and…

  • I (20F) have never been aroused and I’m starting to think I’m defected

    [ad_1] I’ve never experienced arousal my entire life. I’ve tried masturbating multiple times but it just doesn’t work for me, I don’t feel anything. I am sexually attracted to men, but when it comes time to actually do it, I don’t feel anything. It doesn’t matter how attractive or experienced the guy is, I just…

  • I can’t seem to get aroused from clit stimulation.

    [ad_1] I recently started exploring more and have noticed that whenever I or someone rubs my clit with their fingers, it does nothing for me. When he goes down on me and uses his tongue to fondle my clit, that seems to work better but it lasts very little. Am I doing something wrong? Am…

  • Do asexuals feel aroused or is it like barren down there 24/7?

    [ad_1] I don’t know if this is the right subreddit but I’m really curious. As someone who is very much sexual. Like do asexuals just not like sex or is it anything that is (physically) intimate or like can someone explain it? [ad_2] View Reddit by Throwingawayacc5 – View Source

  • Palms and soles tingle when aroused?

    [ad_1] I feel I should probably clarify that I’m a trans woman who’s been on hormones for over a year so I’m going through female puberty as an adult. When I think about my (long distance) partner in sexual scenarios, I often feel a tingle in my palms and occaisonally on the soles of my…

  • From zero interest to aroused… Why?!

    [ad_1] S.O.S (maybe? Kind funny but really annoying) would like any informed advice. Hey all, Kind of thrown for a loop here. It’s my personal choice to be celibate, (F) I’m almost 40 and I do masturbate, my last gyn recommended it and I see nothing wrong with it. However, due to trauma, I usually…

  • Why does my abdomen involuntarily contract when I’m aroused?

    [ad_1] This is probably a stupid question with a simple answer, but I (20 M) have been experiencing this weird behavior since I could get turned on, I think. I just sort of reflexively tighten my lower stomach for a good couple of seconds before relaxing it (like a painless soft convulsion or spasm), and…

  • Smoking weed before sex made me super sensitive and unable to get aroused

    [ad_1] So for context, I’ve had weed before sex several times before and it makes me quite sensitive but overall, I was naturally lubed enough and the sex was more wild and uninhibited. Yesterday night, I smoked with a new guy and I think the weed was too strong for me. I felt super sensitive…

  • How do I (19F) stop getting aroused by everything my boyfriend (18M) does?

    [ad_1] So like the title says I have a bit of a libido problem: I’m a horny fuck and everything he does arouses me. He’ll tell me I’m pretty, boom ready to go. He’ll pin me to a wall and kiss me, have my children. He’ll use his strength to life me and carry me,…