Tag: Boyfriend

  • Boyfriend fails to make me the slightest bit horny

    [ad_1] So idk what the problem is, but I’ve always been a very sexual person, and I used to get wet just having the slightest sexual ideas in my mind, now even after kissing sm and him touching me down there etc it doesn’t turn me on, not even 1% In addition to that I…

  • boyfriend is suddenly a lot better at sex ?

    [ad_1] prefacing this with i dont find it to be a bad thing at all just wanted some other thoughts on the situation! My bf hasnt slept with many people before me and i was a virgin when i met him, i wanna say at the very least, the first 4 times we had sex…

  • How do I (18F) get the courage to let my boyfriend (18M) see me naked?

    [ad_1] He’s felt my body over my clothes (like my waist and stuff, not boobs or butt yet). I’m too nervous to do anything else though because I’m worried that my boobs/butt are too small. I’m 4’11” and 90lbs, so they’re obviously smaller. They look proportional on me because of my frame, but I’m worried…

  • Me and my boyfriend have drastically different sex drives

    [ad_1] Me (23f) and my boyfriend (25m) have completely different sex drives. He only wants to have sex maybe once a week and I’m like dying every day because I want to have sex so bad but know he doesn’t want to. It’s kinda mentally draining me because I feel like it’s my fault. I’m…

  • Masturbation? Good. Boyfriend? Eh.

    [ad_1] I have communicated to my bf countless times EXACTLY what I want and yet, he will not do it. I’ve said that I do not like oral, it feels weird, nobody knows what the hell they’re doing, I don’t want your slobber in/on me but he wants to keep trying. Meanwhile I’m staring at…

  • Boyfriend got annoyed that I didn’t want to swallow?

    [ad_1] Ok, so for context, I struggle to swallow cum because of an incident that occurred with my ex. I don’t want to share too many details but this guy that I briefly dated, peed in my mouth whilst I was giving him head, with no warning. Me who was unsuspecting, swallowed his pee, as…

  • My [F23] boyfriend [M23] wants to wear a leotard in bed?

    [ad_1] As the title says, my bf late last night broke it to me that he has a thing for wearing leotards. I was a bit stunned at first as it was quite an unusual admission but I said we could work with it. I’m not super experienced sexually so am not really sure how…

  • I can’t orally satisfy my boyfriend

    [ad_1] Me and my boyfriend are sexually active and very comfortable with each other since we’ve only been together for two months. However, when I give him oral he says that he enjoys it but not enough to orgasm. It’s very frustrating for me cause I want to give him pleasure the same way he…

  • Boyfriend wants me to use ballgag on him

    [ad_1] My boyfriend (20m) and me (19f) have been together for 2 1/2 years. We’ve always had pretty vanilla sex, at the start of our relationship we were kinda adventurous and did teasing in public/head in public bathrooms. Lately our sex life has stagnated quite a bit, we have vanilla sex like 1-2 a month…

  • What do I do? Boyfriend is not very seductive.

    [ad_1] I 23f brought up to my 24m bf that I want to be seduced and I think we have talked about it many times but in different ways. The first time I might have mentioned it briefly and then another I started a conversation about what we like sexually, like our kinks. We shared…

  • I do not know how i (25F) tell my boyfriend (54M) i want to watch him have intercourse with other people

    [ad_1] I don’t want to fool people with the big age gap between us, we’ve been together for 5 years. We do love each other and has been living together for also 5 years. As the time passed he showed interest introducing new people into our sex life. He would like to see me having…