Tag: condoms

  • our condoms keep breaking-help

    [ad_1] I’m going to start this off by saying we are both teenagers as of right now but I need advice because I want to stay safe. I’m on the pill, but I like to be extra safe and have my boyfriend wear condoms too. The issue is though, they’re super tight on his penis…

  • How to get used to condoms?

    [ad_1] So, after a 15-year-long relationship (and not wearing condoms) I’m now experiencing the single life… my issue is that I cannot keep a proper erection while wearing a condom… I’m having a bit of good interactions on dating apps and women are interested in casual meetings, but I don’t dare to start anything because…

  • What is the acutal failure rate of condoms?

    [ad_1] I thought you could google this easily but clearly people who write about this are terrible statisticians. Example: “If you use condoms perfectly every single time you have sex, they’re 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. But people aren’t perfect, so in real life condoms are about 87% effective — that means about 13 out…

  • How many Condoms do I have to use?

    [ad_1] 25M – do i have to change my condom after every round or can I use the same one for 2-3 rounds basically for the entire session? [ad_2] View Reddit by Regular-Anteater5426 – View Source

  • If I were to have sexual relationships with multiple partners will using condoms and keeping myself to oral prevent me from getting an STD?

    [ad_1] Or is it just one of those things where I kind of have to accept its gonna happen eventually if i do it for an extended period of time. [ad_2] View Reddit by Masalic – View Source

  • Changed condoms without wiping

    [ad_1] i had sex with my boyfriend, he had protection on and once he finished, he put on another different condom on and continued to the next round. He didn’t wipe his tip off when he was getting it on for the second round. and he didn’t have cum on his hands. I am currently…

  • My girlfriend (18f) wants me (19m) to wear two condoms, but has said she will never go on birth control.

    [ad_1] The other day my girlfriend and I were talking about sex as we often do, and our want to do it, and we began talking about protection and anti baby measures. She said she would not want to be and will not ever be on birth control. And that protection will basically be 100%…

  • Boyfriend flushing his condoms after sex

    [ad_1] My boyfriend and I use condoms every time we have sex. After sex he always goes to his toilet and flushes the condoms and refuses to just throw it away. We had sex in his car once in an empty parking lot and he didn’t want to throw the condom out on the ground…

  • Is there a point in using condoms if you have oral sex without them?

    [ad_1] My FWB and I never use condoms for oral sex, but we used to use them for intercourse. Well, a few times the end of last year we ended up having unprotected sex entirely. I thought about it potentially being risky after the fact, because he has random hookups sometimes and told me about…

  • Looking for how to get free condoms

    [ad_1] Every clinic Ive been to for free male condoms have limited sizes. I’ve searched online also for mail based service and nothing found that helps. Is there a place that offers larger than XL size? [ad_2] View Reddit by Lennyisback81 – View Source

  • How do we get back to using condoms?

    [ad_1] Hi reddit, my boyfriend (m18) and I (f18) have recently stopped using condoms. I am on no form of birth control and I don’t want to start because of the hormonal risks/damages.(I would also like to mention that neither of us would like to have any form of surgery that prevents pregnancy like getting…