Tag: libido

  • Can Wellbutrin (bupropion) kill someone’s libido?

    [ad_1] I realize that Wellbutrin (bupropion) is commonly prescribed to alleviate sexual dysfunction, but is it possible for it to have the opposite effect? Has this happened to any of you? My partner recently started taking it and has had trouble maintaining an erection. He and I are both pretty bummed out about this. It…

  • Fighting a masturbation addiction while “saving myself” for lower libido spouse

    [ad_1] My spouse and I have relatively lower libidos, mine slightly higher than hers though. Maybe 1-4 times per month do we have intercourse. I don’t have an issue with this, however I do have a problem with staying “ready” if that makes sense. For example, there are times where maybe I try to initiate…

  • My low libido is ruining everything

    [ad_1] The title says it all, or at least my fiancé (21m) is making me (23f) believe so. A quick summary of my relationship. My fiancé and I are for over 5 years together now, and 1½ years engaged. During the first half year I’ve been taking the pill, but too irregular to be fully…

  • My girlfriend says I have no libido since I work for a sex toy company…

    [ad_1] As the title suggests. I’m in trouble but I love my job. Hope you guys can give me advice. Thank you all!! [ad_2] View Reddit by AnyPlanet1 – View Source

  • Working out is making my libido soar

    [ad_1] Started working out this month for the first time, been going most days of the week, mostly cardio but also some light weights. I’m really out of shape, but I’m going just to improve my health. My libido has really soared in the last week. Between my LDR and not getting to sext often,…

  • My (M30) libido has become really low recently and this affecting my love life

    [ad_1] I am a M30 and in the past couple of year my libido has begun to fluctuate and diminishing on average, could have been a bit of stress due to covid, dating and work. There are few things that turned me on reliably but now even them are losing steam. I am generally not…

  • Libido enhancing herbs causing loss of libido?

    [ad_1] Hi all, I’m 43m with a good libido and active lifestyle (gym 5x per week). With my slightly present midlife crisis I thought: more is better. So I read a lot on Reddit for “good” legal products. I tried 3 products after each other. So not at the same time. 1) I tried horny…

  • Low Libido After Lifestyle Changes

    [ad_1] I recently changed some parts of my lifestyle and my libido has noticeably declined. Orgasms aren’t feeling as good and it takes longer to orgasm. I quit vaping 2 weeks ago and instead picked up intense daily weight lifting. I also started supplements including creatine, BCAAs, omega-3, and a multivitamin. I’ve also started eating…

  • How to deal with a partner’s low libido in an otherwise perfect relationship

    [ad_1] Hello everyone, just hoping to find some advice and opinions from people who may have a different mindset! I want to preface this by saying that I’m very happy in my relationship and this is my one and only issue that I’ve encountered so far. To make a long story short, we’ve been dating…

  • My gf has very low libido HELP

    [ad_1] So me(20M) and my gf(22F) have been together for a year and a half and in the beggining we would fuck like twice a day when we were together and it was great, she said that that’s never happened to her before with anyone else and that i’m the best sexual partner she’s ever…

  • Zero libido affecting relationship

    [ad_1] I have had zero libido for a year and a half and it’s now starting to affect my 4 year relationship. I f (29) and my partner m (28) haven’t had sexual inter course for a few months. My partner always tried and is always very patient with me. I do offer other things…