Tag: masturbation

  • Masturbation? Good. Boyfriend? Eh.

    [ad_1] I have communicated to my bf countless times EXACTLY what I want and yet, he will not do it. I’ve said that I do not like oral, it feels weird, nobody knows what the hell they’re doing, I don’t want your slobber in/on me but he wants to keep trying. Meanwhile I’m staring at…

  • masturbation – leg squeezing and holding breath

    [ad_1] i’m really curious if what i’m doing is normal (?). ever since I was young, my form of pleasure is by squeezing my legs together and holding my breath until i’m gasping for air lol. like it’s crazy because l’ve been doing this since I was a child until now that I’m 23. I…

  • Masturbation as a study tool?

    [ad_1] So I’ve have recently started a highly intensive college program. Just got through midterms successfully and am trying to stay on the grind (pun 100% intended) without experiencing burn out. Studying so much can get very monotonous and one day I had the random idea to use my study break to give myself a…

  • Masturbation for women

    [ad_1] I’m a 22 year old women and growing up I’ve always used a shower head to get off, with or without porn as well. I try masturbating with fingers and just clit simulation but I’m just not feeling it? Mostly cause I’m very impatient and no porn ever helps and it’s almost like all…

  • Is the feeling after masturbation and fucking same?

    [ad_1] After masturbating, the post nut clarity hit and feels like not to do it anymore and other things etc etc etc. So my question is that I never had sex and soon plan on losing virginity but wanna know that after cumming for the first time (or after other rounds too) does it also…

  • Fighting a masturbation addiction while “saving myself” for lower libido spouse

    [ad_1] My spouse and I have relatively lower libidos, mine slightly higher than hers though. Maybe 1-4 times per month do we have intercourse. I don’t have an issue with this, however I do have a problem with staying “ready” if that makes sense. For example, there are times where maybe I try to initiate…

  • How much better is masturbation from sex?

    [ad_1] I don’t know my full reason for asking this here but is sex much more than masturbation? Is the difference so great? Masturbation for me sometimes is not so enjoyable in the sense that I feel it’s just not to be horny anymore so I can get it out of my system. After the…

  • Female 21 Male 21 Masturbation

    [ad_1] I am a female, i currently live with my boyfriend. We’ve been in the same school since middle school and we got close and we’re best friends once 2019. Last October we started dating after being Friends with Benefits for about 3 months. At the beginning of our relationship which started in October i…

  • Sudden loss of penis sensitivity during masturbation

    [ad_1] I (21M) suddenly felt a loss of the usual sensitivity or the good feeling when masturbating. First of all I’m asking this here because google doesn’t explain this weird occurrence. I’m also a virgin. I didn’t have history of erection problems. When doing the act these past years, it felt as good as it…

  • Anal masturbation discomfort

    [ad_1] So im a guy and ive been exploring anal masturbation for some time already. However, when using dildos, up to a certain length and above (3-4 inches maybe), it seems to get uncomfortable and slightly painful. Sort of like im pressing on an organ or smth. Usually i stop there and dont go further…

  • How to cum from PiV masturbation?

    [ad_1] [throwaway] I (19f) am a virgin, and recently I’ve been trying to cum not from clitoral stimulation but by using my dildo, as I’m hoping to be able to do it more easily when my boyfriend amd I get involdlved sexually, and I find the idea of a PiV orgasm quite hot. I know…